$45,000 Winning Proposal from University of California-Santa Cruz Marine-Science Scholar Addresses Tuna Fishery Protections for Manta and Devil Rays
A workshop in collaboration with the Center to Advance Inquiry-Based Opportunities in Ecology & Conservation at UC Santa Cruz
Vol. 7, Issue 1: Winter/Spring 2019
A multimedia storytelling project in collaboration with Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Coal’s Last Gamble: A choking industry bets on one more big score Grist
Women of the Bayou: Stories of resilience and ingenuity in Louisiana's changing landscape, Louisiana Sea Grant
What I Learned About Our Planet By Watching 540 Hours of ‘Survivor’ Motherboard
Lava, Land and Life Forms Motherboard
Justice for the Swamp: Why We Hate Some Ecosystems and Not Others Motherboard
Celebrate America by avoiding our national embarrassment: Hot dogs Grist
The Alberta wildfire is dumping mercury into the atmosphere Grist
Fighting climate change with Snapchat? Meet the Pacific Islander trying it out. Grist
More recent work at Grist can be found here.
The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Octopus Motherboard
A Scientific Memoir That's Beautifully Written Popular Science
A Whaleship Full of Cannibals (Who Happen To Be My Family) Narratively
California’s Massive Methane Leak Probably Won’t Be Its Last Motherboard
Why Eradicating Earth’s Mosquitoes To Fight Disease Is Probably a Bad Idea Motherboard
Shameful Sport Slate
Who's Stealing New York City's Pigeons? VICE
Bloggers Won the War Over the Word 'Internet' Gawker
Women Get Equal Pay In One State Gawker
More recent work at Gawker can be found here.
ExxonMobil Targets Journalists and Activists After Climate Change Investigation Motherboard
Climate Change Is Already Costing Us Billions of Dollars Every Year Motherboard
Air Pollution Could Actually Save Arctic Sea Ice. But Should We Use It? Motherboard
Poachers Are Using Cyanide To Slaughter Entire Herds of Elephants Motherboard
The Navy Is Still Making Dolphins Deaf, Despite What You May Have Heard Motherboard
Six Years Later: Did 'The Cove' Impact Dolphin Hunting in Japan? Motherboard
There Is One Company that Could Put a Big Dent in the Shark Fin Trade Overnight Motherboard
UPS Finally Banned Shark Fins. What Now? Motherboard
Rhino Horn Cams? If Only Stopping Poachers Were That Easy Motherboard
Customers Are Boycotting UPS Because It Ships Severed Animal Heads Motherboard
The One Company That Could Put A Big Dent In The Shark Fin Trade Overnight Motherboard
Trying To Ride Wild Animals Is The Latest Bullshit Trend On YouTube Motherboard
Speeding To Extinction? The Fate Of Pacific Bluefin Tuna May Be Decided This Week EarthTouchNews
What It's Like To Watch A Ton Of Ivory Pulverised Into Powder EarthTouchNews
Place Where You Live: Crown Heights, Brooklyn, Orion Magazine
Chris Christie, Sipping a Smoothie, Was Kicked Off an Amtrak Car For Screaming on His Phone [Updated] Gawker
Fear The Vegetable Gawker
'The Burning Man of Rats': New York City Has Reached Peak Rat Gawker
The 81-Year Evolution Of Jane Goodall, The Dodo
What Calling Animals 'Who' Really Means The Dodo
What Is SeaWorld Trying To Hide By Painting Their Orcas Black? The Dodo
First They Silenced Activists, Now Big Dairy Is Silencing Farmers The Dodo
The Rat Hunters Of New York Narratively
Oil Company To Drill While Gulf Still Recovers From Devastating Spill Azula
On the East River, the Fishing Is Good But How Are the Fish? The New York Times' East Village Local
MSNBC: "Is SeaWorld Going The Way of Ringling Bros?"
"The Wild Life" podcast with Jason Goldman, Ep. 27: "Melissa Cronin on gibbon songs, penguin poop & killer whales in captivity"
HuffPost Live: "What Are Narwhals?
LA Talk Radio's State Of The Oceans: Interview with Sea Shepherd Captain Paul Watson
RT @JackieSavitz: Oceana says $460m worth of IUU Russian seafood imported by US
RT @acschuhbauer: New paper led by @DanHomarus Wealthy nations, with good local management capacity provide subsidies to their fishi…
RT @smangubhai: #Humanrights matter when it comes to #marine #conservation! We share how human rights principles relate to marine c…
RT @smangubhai: Global review of gender-based violence #GBV in fisheries published. We synthesize the evidence for 5 types of GBV &…
RT @GabbyCarmine: New report on national registry issues & beneficial ownership of fishing vessels flagged to Spain, Ecuador, UK, & I…
RT @EIA_News: ‘Manta grid’ provides a ray of hope against industrial #bycatch threat #oceans #fishing…
Check out this @mongabay article wherein I refer to a manta ray as a "slippery bar of soap" Jk, please learn about…
RT @ashadevos: New #parachutescience paper that talks about global inequities in conservation research relationships is out! It’s…
RT @rachelohry: Non-white scientists appear on fewer editorial boards, spend more time under review, and receive fewer citations; b…
Great to see this shoutout from @switzernetwork about @FieldFutures, our new organization that trains and empowers…